farther along the continuum

Yesterday morning I attended a funeral. Yesterday evening I attended this. The entire show was fantastic, but a highlight for me was experiencing another of Katherine Fahey‘s crankies. Last year, seeing her “Lost Gander” crankie inspired the (re)naming of this blog.

The contrast between morning and evening struck me hard. This juxtaposition of diverging moments is the rich loam where insight tethers its spindly roots.

But there are only so many pivots. And there is only so much loam.

I will be away for a while. I hope to return with photos…and maybe insight.

In the meantime, here are two poems of mine from the new issue of Gone Lawn.

Keep tending the soil while I’m out.

friday news round-up

The title is misleading. I wrote a much longer draft of this post with more actual news before tragedy struck. Some unfortunate combination of keystrokes led to obliteration of said draft. I’m afraid I don’t have the energy to recreate it, but here are the highlights: trees (magnolia, cherry, and crabapple), gardening plans, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and Jorge Luis Borges (he was a librarian, y’know).

The editors of Vine Leaves accepted one of my vignettes for publication in their April issue. If you’re wondering what a vignette is, the editors provide a definition here. Up with vignettes!

This weekend I’m going to see this.

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